required training
All Star Crane and Hoist technicians and fabrication personnel are required to attend monthly safety programs, including training and testing on all of the MIOSHA/OSHA requirements for safety. Our safety program includes numerous different training sessions, just a few of which are listed below.
- Personal Protection Equipment
- Aerial Lifts
- Fall Protection
- Lockout/Tag out
- Hot Work
- Electrical Work Practices

Crane Operator Training Permits
Star Crane and Hoist offers two different types of Crane Operators Training to best fit your needs. Crane Operators are required to be trained and certified every three years. At Star Crane and Hoist, we provide the necessary training to meet OSHA, CMAA and ANSI/ASME B30 classroom requirements.
We can provide a training class for up to 25 crane operators at your facility (local areas only). Our training class completes the “classroom” portion of the OSHA requirements.

This training class includes:
- Easy to understand PowerPoint™ presentation which covers:
- Definitions
- Crane Identification
- Limitations & Qualifications
- Daily Inspection Procedures
- Lifting Procedures
- Maximum Capacity
- Emergency Shutdown Procedures
- Operating Procedures
- Do’s and Do Not’s of Crane Operation
- Visual aids during presentation
- Operator Daily Inspection List
- Handout of covered classroom material
- Short video presentation of Chain/Sling Inspections
- Test for participants